

Future Forum


I got news of the “Prediction: Achieving the Future”; “Future of AI and Security” by the Future Forum at New York University’s Shanghai Campus so I had to attend, as recently I had peripheral involvement with the NF2 Tumor Genomics (AI Genomics) Hackathon. I made my way to the NYU Shanghai Campus on Century Ave, a short walk from the metro station (exit 6, walk west, location on left side). I found my name on the list and went to find a seat in the lecture auditorium, luckily I came on time, as those who were late were unable to find a seat and no allowance was made for them, so people had to sit on the steps or stand for the event. The Forum was primarily in Mandarin, with some English being used. The main speaker was Dawn Xiaodong Song and the rest of the Forum was attended by Kai Li, Kai Yu, Haibo Chen, Yi Wang, Zheng Zhang. The forum is best suited for those with little knowledge of the subject. The dry conversation and lack of audience participation resulted in many people departing before the ending of the event. There was little thought towards the future of AI and security and was more of a recap of knowledge of the past.


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