
Expat Pets


Want to become an expat with one of your pets? Your expat pet will need to get their own ‘visa’ to enter China. The process can be complicated and will vary depending on how you travel to China. Assuming you are arriving by air, there are two options:

  1. i) You arrive with your pet on board the same flight and the airline is the broker who works on your behalf; or
  2. ii) You arrive on a different flight and you (or someone else) acts at your broker, this typically involves the pet being considered a piece of cargo.

If you chose option i) your airline will assist you through the process and take care of the paperwork.

Rabies vaccination certificate

-Given less than 1 year, greater than 30 days before arrival

-Vaccination manufacturer, Product Name, lot, batch, serial number, expiration date and validity dates.

Official health certificate (granted less than 14 days before travel)

Note: Official government veterinarian with government stamp

Valid Chinese Visa and arrival into China less than 14 days from the country of origin of the live animal.
The name on the health certificate, vaccination record and the Consignee (person picking up the animal – must be a person, a company name is not allowed) must match the name on the passport.
Original Passport must be available for inspection
Prepare for the address and phone number in Shanghai  (for home quarantine)
Bring the Air Waybill if shipping as cargo

Depending on your airline and its restrictions you may or may not bring your pet on board as your ‘carry-on’ luggage. If not, they will be transported as ‘Cargo’. You may wish to consider the way they are shipped for their comfort and welfare.


Kennel Travel
Safe for the Pet – Acclimated to the kennel

– Not scared, excited or lonely being in Kennel

– Length of travel

– Environmental Conditions (Ie. High Heat in August)

– Health Conditions

– Large enough for the pet to stand, move and lay down without touching the sides

Safe for Airline/Airport Staff – Not exposed to the Animal
Safe for the Aircraft – Not exposed to unsecured release
Kennel Details
Rigid plastic, metal or wood held together with metal bolts, screws and nuts.
Leak Proof Escape Proof
Rectangular Shape No Wear Outside refill to Water
Tie Down Holes No Rust Outside refill to food
Ventilation Holes on all sides No Sharp Edges Side door (no top opening)
Ventilation holes covered No wheels Dishes not movable by pet
Secure Latch Grated Metal Doors
Absorbent material on the bottom
Releasable Zip Ties to Secure door by 4 corners
Tape to the top a bag of food, especially if on a special diet.
“Live animal” “This side up” (or arrows)
Instructions on Feeding/Watering No Food/Water instructions should be written by accredited veterinarian.
Indicate if Micro-chipped or Tattooed

– Include microchip or Tattoo number

– Tattoo should be clearly legible (on pet)

–  Microchip Documentation (Manufacturer, Product, location)

– Veterinarian’s record of the date of micro-chipping or tattooing

Sedation (on shipping kennel and documentation)
Manufacturer Name of medication
Amount administered Time and date when administered
Lot, batch or serial number Lot expiry date
Medication Safety Sheet

– Pet may not fly on customer’s flight or flight schedule.

– Some Airlines/Cargo companies have Temperature restrictions based on actual (or forecasted temperature) from departure, transfer and arrival locations: Maximum for warm-blooded animals (29°C/85°F) and Minimum (-12°C/10°F). If your provider does not offer these restrictions your animal may be exposed for long periods of time to conditions exceeding these limitations.

– Some Airlines have limitations on specific aircraft which can carry live animals due to heat and ventilation capabilities within the cargo hold.


Before the Flight
Take a leash so that you can take them for a walk before (and after the flight)
Give them a light meal and some water within 4 hours of flight departure
Give yourself plenty of time to get to the airport (or cargo terminal) and complete all the required procedures and pre-flight preparation.


On Arrival
You will need to bring the original paper work with you.
When you arrive, you will need to go to the red channel and declare 1 pet for each passport.
Customs will provide a form for you and ‘chop it’ (put a seal on it) to make it official.

(Customs clearance)

If your pet is travelling with you, you need to contact the airline for location of pickup and provide them with the paperwork (unless they take care of all this for you).
If your pet is travelling as cargo, you need to find the location of pickup and provide them with the paperwork (or, if using a broker, they will take care of this for you).


 All animals must go through 30 days of Quarantine
 Typically, a 7 day Quarantine will be done at a Government Quarantine Station and 23 days will be done at the residence of the Consignee (home quarantine)
Fees for Government Quarantine Station is 1980 rmb (inclusive) per pet
Fees for Cargo Quarantine Station is aprox. 140/day (or 980 rmb+fees) per pet
The location of pickup will depend on the cargo service the airline uses. The major one is called ‘Shanghai PuDong International Airport Cargo Terminal Co Ltd (PACTL)’. They offer  Live Animals Room; Animal Room Rental Charge up to 200 kg (no free storage term): 140.00 per day ( and will likely be in the International Cargo Terminal 1 (, however you should make sure your airline is using them (


One pet for each passport
Original certificates and vaccination booklet must travel with the pet
Different airlines have different service

-Some will include the documentation with the pets, so you don’t have to do the submissions, some require you to do all the work – if so, getting a broker maybe the best solution. Broker fees vary between 300-2000 rmb  (ie.

If using a broker, send copies of all paperwork in advance of arrival and confirm arrival date and flight information.
Quarantine Cargo (021-68337002)
Try to get everything done (in terms of paperwork) the first day, otherwise the puppies maybe stored in cargo holding versus Live animal faculty overnight.
Check the requirements for the return trip (repatriation)







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