
Experience, Medical

Dental Issue


A couple days ago, I was chewing a nice hickory nut when noticed a mis-alignment in my teeth. Upon closer inspection it appeared that a crown had cracked at its base, which I assumed was the location of an implant. I contracted my dentist, but she was enjoying her day off. She did contact a co-worker to aid me. Shortly after arrival, I was seen and with the most gentle of pressure my whole crown came out. It was not the cover for an implant though, so the root was exposed. A 3D x-ray was done and  after some back and forth, it was decided that a clover cement would be used to reduce any possible of infection. I had set an appointment on the weekend for my regular dentist to look at options in regards to a new crown and post or a implant. The whole process took about 30mins and soon I was on my way.

Cost of 3D X-ray: 60

Cost of Single Use Dental Equipment: 40

Cost of Clover Cement: 20

Total Cost: 120 rmb (23.40cad)


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