
Category: Travel

Family Happy Dream Park

Continued from Fisherman’s Wharf Inside the Sunken Plaza ( ; Within the plinth) is Family Happy Dream Park (上海家家乐梦幻乐园; Also called Le Shanghai Dreamland, Shanghai Music Fantasy Paradise, Jiajiale) which despite its initially ‘campy’ feel with its retro laser light show displays, I found that it offers a unique outside climbing wall experience that peaks […]

Viewing Platform

A new viewing platform was opened on July 1st. Cross Suzhou creek, head west to the Seagull Hotel. Look towards the parking area of the Seagull hotel, and you should see a gate with a security guard. He has a card to scan, which he will do automatically to open the gate for you. The […]

Line 71

The modern reincarnation is the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT; Also called Bus Rapid Transit System [BRTS], busway, Transitway) which offers dedicated bus routes/lanes to reduce interaction with traffic. Route 71 (also known as the Shanghai Ba-Shi Public Transportation Group’s Medium-Capacity Traffic project) has 66 buses serving a 17.5 km route (~1 hour; ~17.5 km/hr), opering […]

FitBit in Shanghai

Using a fitbit in Shanghai is fairly simple, just change the time zone settings in the app and during the next sync, it will be brought into the correct time zone. When I first used the app in Shanghai, it came up to something in Chinese, but it disappeared and everything seems to be working […]

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