
Shopping, Walking Path

JIC Bookstore


Established by the State-Owned Enterprise, JIC investment group, as part of their ‘Cultural & Consumption’ Division, JIC (Jianyin Investment Company or China Jianyin Investment ) Bookstore is designed to provide a comfortable, relaxing and unique environment (cultural space) for those interested in Social Science (Humanities) and Economics books. It is located at 188 Gongping Road (1st floor, Building 8 [Jiayu Building], 18 Gongping/Haiping Road) and is accessible via the Huangpu riverfront path. Line 12, Tilanqiao Station (exit 2) is the closest metro station.

The bookshop seen from the pathway, seemed interesting, sadly it closed just moments before I arrived, so was not able to take a look inside. I hope to take a look in the future.


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